
The New Site Is Live!!!

It took about 2 months of tinkering and working on computers where I could find them, but I finally got it ready to launch.


I've had since around 2009. When I started It i was in a place focused more on my photography for a few different reasons. In 2012 I began to paint again and realised soon after that I would eventually need to completely rehaul my website. I drug my feet and did what I could to piece together something that focused on all of what I do as an artist, but a site designed for photographers just didnt meet my needs. So this new year I decided It was time to make the change. She's finally ready for the world. Of course there will be regular tweaks and updates as time passes. I finally have a proper blog built into the site so I can share a little more behind the curtain in a way thats more organized and easier to enjoy for the people that follow my work.  

So here goes!!! As always I am open to suggestions about what could make it better and information about anything my absentmindedness may have caused me to miss.  

Thanks again to everyone who finds beauty and purpose in what I share! 


Side note, The shop is up and running too so feel free to buy some art ;)